Canadian Patent Issued to Tait Labs

We’re pleased to announce that we have been issued a Canadian Patent on our citrus peel extraction technology. 🍊💧

Kudos to our co-inventors Harish Vasudevan PhD, CA-AM and Andrew Tait, and special thanks to our National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada IRAP-ITA Maureen Hatanaka and co-ITA Paul Barran for backing us up on our request for support for this clean-tech/agriculture/health science research and development project. 🌱

We are also eternally grateful for our patent agent, Sonia M. Ziesche and her team at Gowling WLG. They rescued the patent application and got it back on the rails after some major hiccups.

We are incredibly proud to have developed this technology in Canada with the support of programs like NRC-IRAP and SR&ED. As an aside, citrus doesn’t grow in Canada because it’s too cold – we consider it a feat that we were able to convince our supporters that a non-Canadian ag-product like citrus peel waste has untapped potential that urgently needs to be unlocked for the health of all of the planet and its inhabitants. 🌎🍁

Our Minimum-Processing-Maximum-Benefits (MPMB™) processing technology cleanly upcycles citrus peel waste to a healthy polyphenol-rich soluble fiber in a whopping 50% yield, and ready to be added to any food, beverage or dietary supplement. You can find our flagship ingredient Mandrimax® in capsule from as MS+ Mandarin Skin Plus® “Ultimate Digestive Relief” available online and in store.

#cleantech #agtech #patents #zerowaste #upcycled #startup #health #circulareconomy #foodwasteismedicine #digestlifebetter